Labour Minister Edward Zammit Lewis had no apology to make when confronted by journalists about a leaked WhatsApp chat between him and murder suspect Yorgen Fenech in which he described the Labour voter as ‘Ġaħan Laburist’ (Imbecile Labourite)
In the chats which were revealed by Malta Today the Labour minister cosied up to Yorgen Fenech telling him “I’m proud to know you,”. But when asked by Maltatoday journalist Karl Azzopardi, the minister insisted his message was taken out of context.
“I have been a Labourite from the womb, I worked and sacrificed my profession and my family, and Labourites know this,” he said. The Nationalist Party filed a motion of no confidence in Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis following the revelations.
“Edward Zammit Lewis is not worthy to serve as a government minister after the news emerged that he was conspiring and laughing with Yorgen Fenech over a request by Simon Busuttil for an inquiry into the Dubai company 17 Black and the Panama Papers scandal. It is clear to everyone that Edward Zammit Lewis is incapable of understanding and choosing between what is right and what is wrong, and that is why he is not worthy to occupy his position," the statement reads.
Edward Zammit Lewis has already been exposed as having dined, chatted and even went on a boat trip with Yorgen Fenech but insists this was done “in good faith”. Zammit Lewis remained in contact with Fenech even after he was outed as the owner of Panama company 17 Black.
What do you make of this?